The country's biggest fair attracts an estimated 2.5 million visitors each fall, and many of those come solely for the food. Every year dozens of vendors converge on Dallas's Fair Park to hawk an array of increasingly bizarre stunt foods, almost all of which will take a dip in the fryer...
The Weirdest Foods From Ancient Roman Cuisine Vote 33 Maryland – National Hard Crab Derby 182 votes Held over Labor Day Weekend, thisCrisfieldcelebration honors all things blue crab. Crab-themed cooking, artwork, parades, and rides are on the menu. The highlight is the crab derby, in which...
Every year, food providers at the State Fairs in Minnesota and Texas try to outdo each other with the deep-fried, decadent glory of their offerings. In 2006, the Texas State fair awarded the prize of “Most Creative” to Neil Dorrington for creating “Deep-Fried Coca-Cola,” essentially a...
Region:Minnesota Defining characteristic:A state fair classic, this is basically a corn dog, but with a different ingredient base using corn, wheat and rice flour to give it a different flavor. Comment:All corn dogs and corn dog-related foods are good. Pronto pup ✅
See our pictures of healthiest foods. rvbox/iStock/Thinkstock Is there anything in life that isn't a double-edged sword? Take antibiotics, for example. They've turned once-deadly diseases into mere shadows of their former selves, yet too much of this seemingly good thing can actually ...