TheDanish inventor of Troll dolls, Thomas Dam, originally created these longhaired, wide-eyed creatures (once known as Dam Dolls) for his daughter in 1959. It became an American toy craze in 1964 and became popular again in the 1990s. Like many popular toys, knockoffs ran rampant--but th...
TheDanish inventor of Troll dolls, Thomas Dam, originally created these longhaired, wide-eyed creatures (once known as Dam Dolls) for his daughter in 1959. It became an American toy craze in 1964 and became popular again in the 1990s. Like many popular toys, knockoffs ran rampant--but th...
Thiscurious fadbegan after a friend dared actor Alvin "Shipwreck" Kelly to sit on the top of a flagpole. He obliged--and remained up top for 13 hours and 13 minutes. Somehow it caught on, and soon sitters set records of 12 days, 17 days, and 21 days, until Kelly himself took the ...
Thiscurious fadbegan after a friend dared actor Alvin "Shipwreck" Kelly to sit on the top of a flagpole. He obliged--and remained up top for 13 hours and 13 minutes. Somehow it caught on, and soon sitters set records of 12 days, 17 days, and 21 days, until Kelly himself took the ...
minutes. Somehow it caught on, and soon sitters set records of 12 days, 17 days, and 21 days, until Kelly himself took the all-time record of 49 days in 1929. Like many on the list, flagpole sitting's eventual fall from favor came around the same time asthe start of the Great ...
Togatercreates a beautiful AR world filled with colorful creatures. Augmented reality was surprisingly thin on the ground at TGS. One of the few AR experiences wasTogater, a game withMonument Valley-aesthetics and a “Where’s Waldo” premise. Point your phone at the wall and a tiny world ...