Would you rather questionsare always a blast to ask and are perfect at getting a group of strangers to open up. You'll be the life of any party if you use them. If the talking is dwindling and you seem to be losing a person's interest, try somerandom questions to ask.You might br...
Case in point: using watching a fat YouTuber famous for mukbang videos (that is: a livestream where a host eats varying quantities of food – often but not always to excess – and interacting with the audience) where he eats food that’s chosen to be messy and often done for gross-out...
so the passionflowers evolved nectar glands of the same size and shape as a butterfly egg. After aeons of this back and forth, the butterflies are currently laying their eggs on the tendrils of the passionflower vines rather than the leaves, and...
It’s basically a fancy name for ski mask worn by anyone up to no good who’d rather have their face NOT show up on YouTube or the local news while getting their hooligan on or doing some burglaring.Seeing people sporting these on the beach is a lot like David Lynch is shooting an...
In the old stories when the hero needed to see something clearly, needed to strip away illusion and get to the bottom of something she would often ask three questions: Who are you? Where do you come from? What is your name? These questions are not mere literary devices to make the stor...
NOW MEET BEN LOUVIERE. . . BLIND TRIAL by Brian Deer When a young lawyer meets a doctor at a scientific conference in Washington DC, his mission is to shut her up…[...]
In the old stories when the hero needed to see something clearly, needed to strip away illusion and get to the bottom of something she would often ask three questions: Who are you? Where do you come from? What is your name? These questions are not mere literary devices to make the stor...
In the old stories when the hero needed to see something clearly, needed to strip away illusion and get to the bottom of something she would often ask three questions: Who are you? Where do you come from? What is your name? These questions are not mere literary devices to make the stor...
But you also started to count to one thousand on our walks. And you started to call out the store names as we drove around. And you preferred reading books rather than playing with the other two-year-olds at preschool. And you hated sitting in the circle when instructed. And you hated...
I would try this bolt and that piece of lumber, but it never seemed right. I woke up frustrated as hell. On the plus side, I nearly had my first nocturnal ejaculation since my teens, when a few hours later, my dreaming led me to a very realistic encounter with a rather frisky girl...