; [symbol] ; ; @XY names a compiled function: ; Lambda-list: (PROJ) ; Derived type: (FUNCTION (T) ; (VALUES SINGLE-FLOAT SINGLE-FLOAT &OPTIONAL)) ; Inline proclamation: INLINE (inline expansion available) ; Source file: /data/x/weird/src/draw/ortho.lisp ``` ### ORTHO:EXPORT-DA...
Eden and After[L’éden et après] (1970)– Bored college students steal a painting and end up in Tunisia, although it could just be the drugs in this surreal sadomasochistic story that could be described asAlice in WonderlandmeetsJustinemeetsThe Trip Eisenstein in Guanajuato(2015)– Delirious ...
England’s not-at-all-secret weapon against the French during the Hundred Years War was the longbow, and if you believe whatever gunk artificial intelligence scrapes off the internet floor, it’s a symbol of English pride. Which makes this a good place to mention that it came to England by...