So let’s talk about our comic star. Chris presents himself as a genius; he undercuts this assessment every time he opens his mouth. He’s particularly adept at ruining existing things by attempting to “plus” them, such as his self-serving takes on Battle Monopoly or Double Badminton. ...
Now things are downright confusing. Are you referring to the actual baby when you use this term or your partner? If you ask us, this is one term of endearment that is best left alone. With so many other great options above, it’s easy to just pass up on this one. 2) Fatty Not s...
a gorgeous young woman whom he takes on a date to an abandoned mental institution; the pair drops acid and things go pear-shaped. He convinces himself (and us) that the sinister device bloodily violates her before poofing her out of existence....
That day might not be as far away as it once was according to research at the Department of Physics and Centre for Soft Matter Research at New York University. Although it’s on a significantly smaller scale than trying to yank the Millenium Falcon into your garage using a flashlight, scien...
From earthworms to clowns, talking on the phone to the sound of chewing, we all have fears—some more rational than others. But have you ever wondered why certain things trigger such a strong fear response in you, while others don’t bother you at all? It turns out that our individual...
You email all your friends with the new info. Then you find out the last person who had this number died suddenly in a hail of gunfire and the dude before him croaked the same way. Oh, the the guy before those two? Cancer.How excited are you to have the admittedly awesome number of...
SEE ALSO: 'Stranger Things' wants you to turn your Eggo box into creepy DIY costumes The trend really kicked off toward the end of October. Most of these designs can't be executed unless you're an absurdly talented nail professional, or drunk and have no standards. A lack of talent (...
Eric LaRocca’s Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke cover-reveal and pre-order Our next release is Eric LaRocca’s Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke, a deeply disturbing, epistolary novella about a twisted relationship that grows between two women. To our eyes, it reads...
When Our Boyfriends Say Weird Things Here are examples of true words uttered by real-life lying, using, and defrauding people without a conscience. If I knew I wouldn’t go to jail for it, I’d kill you. Step away, I’m about to get physical, and you don’t want to see that....
Babies temporarily forget new skills the way you forget things you thought you knew, like how to reboot your TV, says Dr. Vishton. "Sometimes, even after we've successfully performed a task several times, we have an incomplete memory of how we accomplished it," he explains. Eventually, fu...