Why these things live on urchins is still an unknown. “What they get out of the relationship is pretty mysterious. The urchin might provide shelter to the clam, and there might be food flowing in the water to the urchin that the clam might be able to filter out and benefit from. What...
the producers of Stargate and the producers of the television series had to come up with a simple explanation for there being humans all over the galaxy in present day time. Their solution was a popular one in sci-fi literature: We were kidnapped. Over the last 100,000 years humans ...
In the grand scheme of things, the inability to burp is just one small part of the vast array of adjustments humans must make to thrive in space. It serves as a reminder of how finely tuned our bodies are to life on Earth, and how much we take for granted the invisible forces that ...
Here are eight strange facts about sharks. The megamouth shark The megamouth shark, shown here, is an extremely rare species of deepwater shark. The megamouth swims with its mouth wide open, catching and sucking in fish and krill as it glides along. Its massive mouth extends past its eyes...
6.) “Bloodchild” by Octavia Butler: In a recurring theme for Butler, she writes about an alien species that appears to be beneficent toward humans, but shows that where a power disparity exists beneficence is an illusion. 7.) “Shades” by Lucius Shepard: A Vietnam vet turned journalist...
You see, we all are very emotional creatures. That is what really makes us Humans. And, stories are just that – words put together in a way that transmits emotions. Think about this for a moment; what is Marketing? …really, what do you think it really means to “market to s...
Roughly 1,600 people are bitten by other humans in New York City every year. I see now where the Big Apple nickname came from. 38. Chirpin’ Away If the holiday spirit of late December makes you feel like killing a bird and tying it to a pole, Ireland may be the country for you!
13 Things We Learned About Martin Short That Made Us Say, 'Give Me A Break!' VOTE 4k people have voted on 11 Facts About Our Bodies That Prove Humans Are Weird VOTE 943 people have voted on 18 'Wheel Of Fortune' Bonus Round Puzzles That Left Contestants Saying 'Wheel-y?' VOTE 6.2k...
Turns out, panting is more than a cooling mechanism. Heavy breathing can indicate a number of different things – much like it does in humans. When your doggie has his tongue hanging out, it can indicate that he’s excited, stressed, or uncomfortable, amongst other things. The key, as al...
Humans love a good space story. That's why it's so much fun to speculate about unusual objects seen in images of Mars. Our imaginations turn rock formations into fish and cosmic rays into alien communications. An image from the NASA Perseverance rover generated plenty of jokesabout what looks...