Jesse Heiman: I used to work for Radio Shack and got asked for anything from washing machine parts to dynamite. Rachel Anne: Why does your pet shop smell like dog food? Ron Desi: Trying to keep this PG-13...So, I do videos for small businesses, products, e...
A washing machine that tells you when it's finished Sick of forgetting about that load of washing you put on in the morning and ending up with shirts and towels with that awful mildew smell? You could always do whatRyan Rosedid and modify your washing machine tosend you a tweet when it...
That when you do your job, and really commit, and you are Lady Ophelia, you can really smell those flowers, and you really have memories of floating around that stage, right out of your mind... But it's just the blessing of acting. It's not possession, it's just a reminder o...
It looked like a very small hole in a very small pipe, but the smell was awful. The plumber and the digger man were both talking into their phones and the rest of us stood as far away as we could, holding our noses. The cat scampered along the branch of the tree, upset by ...
Promising review:"Takes away that gross smell. It seems counterintuitive to put a little packet down your garbage disposal to clean it,but this does actually seem to work, at least for getting out weird smells that baking soda and vinegar don't really touch.I scrub the sink down fi...