This is a pleasant a mob of (Charisma + 1d10) beggars, drunks, prosti- sensation for the wearer. There is a 30% chance (+15% tutes, lepers, street crazies, urchins, hustlers, addicts, if there is an immediate source of water) that a new and losers. The crown will only work in...
We come to the top of the Tombstone, and the slabby fin we’re walking on abruptly terminates at a vertical drop. I’m overcome by the sensation I used to have while cliff jumping into rivers and lakes as a teenager—a sense of the void reaching upward to swallow me. “Where’s the...
Duke, a Great Pyrenees dog, held office in the village of Cormorant, Minnesota. He served four one-year terms – that's 28 years for a dog – after a fun community vote took a serious turn when the fluffy pooch-turned-politician became a viral sensation. 28. The abbreviation OMG was u...
On his way to that realization, Fowler had been a UFO researcher for decades, beginning by chasing down sightings reports in his native New England and writing a series of very well-received books on his efforts, such as “Casebook of a UFO Investigator.” So great was the trust and resp...