Voting Rules Vote up the most unusual and bizarre themed cafes that you might just want to try out sometime. If you visited your local Hello Kitty cafe and thought it was a bit too tame for your tastes, these weird Japanese themed cafes will definitely appeal to you. Japan has long been...
Voting Rules Vote up the craziest products that claim to make you more beautiful. If you've ever looked into beauty products to avoid plastic surgery, then the odds are that you've already come across some of the strange and fascinating sh*t floating around the Inte...
Back then, to show their frustration at the new wave of social consumption, some bikers broke the strict and stringent rules of Japan by riding wildly modified, unsilenced motorbikes with crazy fairings and seatbacks like Beckham-spec wedding thrones. This visual vibe found its way into the ...
“the Razor” into these ranks. He’s a lawman who doesn’t play by the rules. He’s the one honest man in a corrupt world, and he doesn’t care who he pisses off, even his own bosses. Women love him, men fear him. And most importantly, as he walks the streets of Edo, he...
Lots of folks focus in on the Wisconsin law that says cheese should be "highly pleasing," but that's actually only for AA Cheddar. B Cheddar only has to be "fairly pleasing." But the Wisconsin Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Rules surrounding cheese are much stranger. They don'...
Not so long ago, a friend of mine from the UK came to visit me here in Japan. After showing him around town and making sure to take him to all of the most popular tourist spots, he remarked that quite a few of the subtle behaviours Japanese people exhibi
to be a threat to the institution that’s keeping her locked up. The thing is Beyond the Black Rainbow is a Panos Cosmatos joint, and we all know how that specific filmmaker likes to spice things up by depicting impossible and mind-bending worlds where mankind performs under his rules. ...
There is a precedent for this weirdly hermaphroditic parent figure : emperor hirohito in fascist , imperial japan . 这种怪诞的雌雄同体,集父母于一身式的人物先前倒是有一个:法西斯大日本帝国的裕仁天皇。 weirdly相邻词汇 sco是什么意思uspec是什么意思Tumblr是什么意思Donner是什么意思Prancer是什么意思 热门...
in different range of technologies. Fuzzy logic systems were previously taken as low technology, but in the long run, this evolved as a high technology to be used in rule based expert systems. The rules are elicited from the human experts, using knowledge acquisition system. The Japanese were...
Voting Rules Vote up the weirdest crimes that literally had no motive. Most crimes, no matter how crazy they are, tend to be pretty cut and dry. If a bunch of people rob a bank it’s because they want money; if someone murders someone, it’s probably because of revenge or some stran...