It is one of the most recognizable roadside attractions in the country, and perhaps the quintessential example of what is weird and wonderful about road trip stops. A collection of ten Cadillacs built between 1949 and 1963 that chronicle the rise and fall of the recognizable tail fin embed...
For Those Who Like Reading about the Writing of the Insane Books,Misc. Jack the Ripper, Hypnotism, and Murderous What-Ifs Books The Time the Clock-Eyed Boy Had His Fifteen Minutes of Fame Human Oddities Roadside Attractions and Other Curiosities with Ambassador of Odd, Tim O’Brien Books...
8. Cabazon Dinosaurs / California, USA Save this picture!Image via Wikimedia taken by Wikimedia user Jllm06 (public domain) Started in the 1960s, the giant dinosaurs were intended as roadside attractions by the sculptor Claude K. Bell (see 4) to attract customers to his Wheel Inn Restauran...
I can empathize completely because we are losing many of our "Old Florida" roadside attractions in the name of "progress"(?) in my beloved home state. I love my state and yours as well. I find myself reluctant to say farewell to the way things used to be. I know that it's ...
Roadside Attractions Coloring Book: Weird and Wacky Landmarks from Across the USA! Covers topics ranging from food to customs, animals to history, nature to sports. This book describes an immense chess board built into public square in which the pawns and all the pieces are human beings, and...