As you get older, your skin changes. WebMD describes what to look for and how to treat the things that happen to your skin.
The good news is that most shin spots tend to gradually fade if blood sugar levels get under better control; however, persistent high sugars may lead to longer-lasting marks on the skin. Eruptive Xanthomatosis Moving from shin spots, another skin issue that might show up for individuals battlin...
Both species, parasite and host, must constantly evolve simply to maintain the status quo. This is where the Red Queen hypothesis gets its name: in Wonderland, the Red Queen tells Alice, “here, you see, it takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place.” For many years...
Those ‘certain channels’ were the ones that featured the people that kept her in cages riding one another like pack animals (obviously we’re skirting the ‘P’ word because that tosses red flags). Pablo Herreros, the zoo’s primatologist wrote in his paper on Gina and her viewing prefer...
had been spotted high up on the inside of the copper skin of the Statue of Liberty, while yet another was inside the Palace of Westminster in London, triggering a major security scare. An engineer erecting a wind turbine on the North Island of New Zealand had found two, very close ...
(Image credit: Reddogs | Dogs sweat, but not like people do. When people sweat, they rely on their vast number of eccrine sweat glands all over their bodies. The sweat wets the skin and then evaporates, cooling the body in the process, Yana Kamberov, an assistant profe...
If you croaked while lying on your side or your face, those are the spots that would take on the purple hue. 2. You (sort of) get an erection. If you die face-down, your blood could also conceivably settle in your penis—which creates the appearance of a boner. But the chances ...
and skin the texture of a mole. The platypus lays eggs, making it one of five mammal species to do so. If you do happen to come across one, be careful, as the males are also venomous. They have a spur on their hind foot that releases a venom that is quite painful, even to human...
The rash is caused by an infection with the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and symptoms include itchy skin that may turn into a bumpy red rash or pus-filled blisters surrounding hair follicles. The infection is often worse in the area under a person's swimsuit, because the suit may keep ...
Byrne used cartilage from Walters’ ribs to stitch together a new ear matching her right ear. He then implanted it under the skin of her forearm, where it grew for months. Byrne later surgically attached the ear and its blood vessels. Then surgery Tuesday added shape and detail to the ear...