“I’m very interested in technology, and anything progressive that might change people’s lives for the better. Doing this isn’t only an excellent opportunity for me, but will also create a scientific basis for future generations, no matter what the actual outcome of the surgery is. This ...
After filling up your stomach with too much food, more blood flow is directed to other parts of the body during the process of digestion. Therefore, our “selective hearing” is interfered with and less sharp for a temporary time. Your focus and concentration may also be off. The next time...
The surge of adrenaline and cortisol that occurs during the stress response can cause physical sensations, including numbness, tingling, and tremors.An individual may experience these physical symptoms in various parts of the body, such as the hands, feet, face, or limbs. These sensations may be...
Time for the first of two almost-off-topic posts. This one’s sure to meet the approval of anyone who lovesThe Blackstreetbbw Breasts Section, fully appreciating the beauty of the clothed female body, that also likes anime, and that can enjoy a good erotic story. I was browsing the ‘...
Maddaluno hypothesizes that the simplicity of the tweezer hands might make it easier for the brain to integrate as part of the body. Unlike the more complex human hand, the straightforward function and design of the tweezers could reduce cognitive load, allowing for quicker acceptance and utilizat...
Moving from shin spots, another skin issue that might show up for individuals battling with diabetes is eruptive xanthomatosis. This condition surfaces as small, reddish-yellow bumps that can pop up on various parts of the body including the thighs, buttocks, and even on the elbows or behind ...
WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: By mixing Sartre’s “No Exit” with an ultra-minimalist riff on Buñuel’sThe Exterminating Angel,garnished with large dollops of fantastical sexual depravity and a pinch of body horror, writer/director/star Zeb Haradon created one of the weirder underground movies of ...
All signature elements of Judaism, including the parts of the Torah that visit the patriarchal era, stem from the Second Temple period, which is where the many references to the postal service in movies come from: from Norville Barnes in The Hudsucker Proxy, (1994), to Agent K in MIB-II...
(ambulances in early seasons, a helicopter in “Exodus”), mass graveyards (or bleaching ground stand-ins), spirits on the premises. There’s also some play with severed body parts, and “Kingdom”‘s big set piece, the introduction of ‘Little Brother’ at the end of the first series....
They’ve taken on Moby Dick, Captain Nemo’s Nautilus and even a bunch of Goonies. While giant squids have been captured in the past and alleged parts of them have surfaced here and there…seeing one in the wild has been something of a Holy Grail moment that misty-eyed scientists and ...