So only the author names are replaced by wacky symbols, the comments themselves, the original text appears unchanged, right? It would appear that the font for this element of the markup has been changed to something weird. Please have a check at the Balloon Text style and the Comment Text ...
Unlike scientific (Latin) names, which each describe a single species and are, for the most part, unchanging, a single common name can describe more than one species, can fall in and out of use over time, and may only be used locally. Also important to note is that Latin names are ba...
setting up the OISE U of T session presenting on Twitter June 8 @ 11 am all about the power of personal storytelling and the connection that lies within them. I’ll be presenting my grandmother’s story, I call her Nonni, as my Italian heritage dictates the names used for grandparents…...
If you ever wondered where the Pokémon names come from, Pikachu is a good example of how random they can be. 'Pika' is from 'Pikapika' which means 'glitter or sparkle' and 'chu' is from 'chuchu' the noise a mouse makes. Put them together and you have Sparkle Mouse Noise! For some...
The photographer shared the details behind his journey, learning the tricks of the trade from work experience to shooting some of the biggest names in the industry.Date 17 June 2022 Words It's Nice That Tags Work Photography Magazine Campaign Music ProcessShare...
Thank you so much Caitlin form keeping the names of Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Danial Hale in front of the public. We don’t want to forget these guys because they risked everything including their lives to help us understand what is happening to our world in the name of democracy...
MM: Very positive. There are people who perceive it differently; for some people it’s just fantasy, for others it’s surreal comedy. Some people prefer the first half, some people prefer the second half, so the twists sometimes get different responses. That was part of what I was looki...
even though women form the majority of the book buying public, it is men's names that dominate the bookshelves, mainly due to historical precedents.'I used to be a psychologist and one of the things I looked at was brain function. Women's brains are set up for the process of enjoying...
5)If you have it ‘mildly’, you’re at the awkward midpoint of being ‘normal enough’ for everyone to expect the same from you as everyone else, but ‘autistic enough’ to not always reach those expectations. 6)The above means that aLOTof things are ‘Your Fault’. They’re not ac...