I'd Love to Hear Your Comments. Thanks, Alun Greensleeves Hubs (author) from Essex, UK on January 20, 2016: annart; Thanks Ann. Your comment makes me feel good, and thanks for mentioning the lack of bias - although I obviously have my own views, there are always two sides to a st...
I moved about 2 weeks ago and the problem was still present before then so it's nothing to do with household wiring, in fact the wiring in the new place is better than the old 'cos I don't get audio drop outs from my AVR when something gets switched on/off or unplugged etc from ...
For now I set the temp protection to 80C from stock 90C, I just wonder how the mobo knows the temp if we cant see it in windows 🙂 YES BETTER HEAT TRANSFER AND MORE HEAT PRODUCED allot of us are inquiring as to why there is no NB/SB temp readouts in bios as they are obviou...
Finally, the insincerity of the story’s stab at spirituality rubs me the wrong way. When I first saw the film I thought that Noé was trying to create an ambiguous milieu; we could choose to believe that Oscar was really going through the process of reincarnation as described in the Tibet...
When using the brush tool in Affinity apps I always get very odd brush size increments when using the square bracket ( [ ] ) keys to change the brush size. If I use a 10px brush and use "]" to size it up one increment, it doesn't go to the expected 15px,
You had to stand first, which is why all those bar shoot-outs have the belligerents stand first. But Doc Holliday could draw and fire while seated, and he didn’t have to cock the weapon first. Stand up at the card table to clear your holsters and Doc Holliday would shoot you while ...
both spots had an interesting selection of cask and keg, but given my cask nerdery (and running plans), I stayed with the lower-key cask halves; well, I did have one pint at the end of the evening, which for me was at around 6 pm, as I was back in my hotel watching Murder, Sh...
I did a bunch of punch outs and no problem. However, now when I look back in the BB data, I see that the motors osccilate crazy! I added the flight log here. Look at my last 2 flight logs, those were of today. Is this is an issue with the PIDs, or something else? Or is ...
Sayin dumb jokes just to hear myself talk Yeah I know my clothes probably need to be washed But I like em' and if I didn't I would take em' off [Chorus] I know a lot of people that'll tell you that they hate me cause they know I bring out the weird side ...
ADDITIONAL LINKS OF INTEREST:It’s all well and good to hear from movie reviewers like your humble correspondent, but discerning customers like yourselves want to hear from the people whose opinions really matter: motorcycle writers. Enjoy the review from Pete Brissette atMotorcycle.comor take in ...