Hershey recently introduced pink lemonade-flavored Kit Kats, while IHOP and Lay’s brought out Rooty Tooty Fresh n’ Fruity potato chips, designed to taste like strawberry-topped pancakes with a hint of bacon. In the United Kingdom, Little Moons made fish-a...
LIMITED EDITION – Cheez It that is Hidden Valley Ranch Flavored?…..I like my Cheez its to be cheese flavored…..not ranch flavored……..All we need now is Cheez It Flavored Ranch Dressing. DIFFERENT – Ritz Crackers in Everything Flavored (onion, poppy seeds, garlic & sea salt) Sounds...
The dessert shop that sold fish-flavored ice cream? The zoo where you can kiss bears on the mouth? The new "sex resort" for women? Find out about all of this, and much, much more, inThe Year in WEIRD! Author Ben Kallen is a journalist, humorist and magazine writer whose work has ...
The cookies (like ice-cream-cone wafers sandwiched with durian-flavored frosting) were amazingly smelly when I first got them, but the flavor gradually faded away as they got stale. In Malaysia they don't even allow you to carry one in a rental car. Special stickers on the car, kinda li...
Japanislikeaparalleluniverse.Hereinthelandofthefree,it’scustomarytowash downamouthfulofCoolRanchDoritoswitharefreshingswigofPepsi.Intheland oftherisingsun,you’llfindthosesametastysnacks,butthecornchipscouldbe anchovy-flavored,andthatbottleofPepsimighttasteofspicy,bitterginger. 日本好像处在另一个平行世界里。
First absinthe-flavored popsicles and now glowing, bioluminescent ice cream using jellyfish proteins. We’re not sure what’s next for ice cream but we sure like where it’s headed. [I09] Posted in Ice Cream, Octopus, Weird Foods | Comments Off on Most Expensive Scoop of Ice Cream Glows...
Like a root beer float. Putting ice cream on top of your soda is apparently strange. Nope! I contest! You haven't lived until you've had one of these delicious confections/drinks. FLAVORED COFFEE Abbey Minke Looking at you, Starbucks. But here is the thing... Starbucks is everywhere. ...
Like a root beer float. Putting ice cream on top of your soda is apparently strange. Nope! I contest! You haven't lived until you've had one of these delicious confections/drinks. FLAVORED COFFEE Abbey MinkeLooking at you, Starbucks. But here is the thing... Starbucks is everywhere. Do...
it’s not a citrus fruit, it does have kind of a “citrusy” flavor. Orange on the outside, green on the inside, they are often used to make smoothies. I enjoyed eating them plain, too. In Vilcabamba we also found a soft-serve ice cream place selling naranjilla-flavored ice cream!
Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny(1972)– Insanely bad holiday cheer about Santa’s sleigh stuck on a Florida beach, and Thumbelina, and the sad-sack Pirates World amusement park…