Tons of cool, weird, useless, odd & awesome fun facts at your finger tips! Browse through them and learn something new each day. Impress your friends with t…
If you’re wondering what happened, these crazy facts about Wesley Snipes will definitely give you some clues. But weird stories from Wesley Snipes's life don't just illustrate how cuckoo bananas he can be - they also illustrate why Wesley Snipes is cool. As you’ll soon find ...
—WTF fun facts Source:“Interesting facts about Venus” — Royal Museums Greenwich Leave a comment WTF Fun Fact 13676 – We Can’t Burp in Space February 1, 2024 People can’t burp in space. Now, you might wonder, why on Earth (or rather, off Earth) can’t astronauts do something a...
Here Is What Happens To Your Body During Each Of The 8 Stages Of Death Some Of The Most Macabre And Disturbing Items On Display At The Museum Of Death In Hollywood Law Enforcement And Medical Professionals Describe The Strangest Causes Of Death They've Ever Seen 11 Facts About The Decompositi...
from prominent public figures to mass assassinations like the Oklahoma City bombing. Also includes some thought-provoking commentary on the air crash death of JFK Jr. Pat will share his knowledge of the many strange anomalies and incontrovertible facts surrounding these deaths. He also covers a ...
From bizarre true stories to weird science to unbelievable tales from the annals of history, here's a huge trove of weird facts that most people don't know. Weird Facts Most People Don’t Know 1. After You Penguins are known to push other penguins into the water to ensure the area is...
Learn strange and weird facts about wars in history. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Weird war facts in history Find out how Japan failed to invade Port Moresby despite winning the Battle of the Coral Sea See how the Viet Cong's successful guerrilla warfare pushed Lyndon Johnson toward ...
“raw and wriggling”. The only time we see him truly happy without his precious is when he’s diving into the Forbidden Pool, singing a cheerful song while he bashes a fish to death on a rock. This particular tune might be an original composition, but it could also be a variation on...
Here are eight strange facts about sharks. The megamouth shark The megamouth shark, shown here, is an extremely rare species of deepwater shark. The megamouth swims with its mouth wide open, catching and sucking in fish and krill as it glides along. Its massive mouth extends past its eyes...
Whether or not you studied physics in school, you must have learned a thing or two from all the TV shows about it. Some physics is a little mundane, but some of it is absolutely fascinating. Are we a hologram? Are there ghosts? Can we go back in time?