MIND-1MIND CONTROL & THE ILLUMINATIby Fritz Springmeier. Today a growing number of Americans are concerned about the Constitution, justice in the courts, getting the political system back on track, and restoring our religious institutions to their proper place. None of these systems will work, ho...
The countries around the world, including our own, are some of the best places to find funny facts and weird but true facts, and the many fascinating facts about other countries below may give you a kick when you find out some of the crazy things people around the world do. There are ...
China has more billionaires than any other nation- poor excuse for communism or socialism. -2 Tom Abbott Reply to Joseph Zorzin September 23, 2023 5:18 am If I had the power of the leader of China, I could make all my rowdy friends billionaires. That doesn’t mean the Chinese ...
about dealing with a challenging and dangerous moment in raising children, especially “weird” adolescents who search for their identities harder than others and risk making life-damaging mistakes in a way never before possible. We are reposting it here on New Discourses with the permission of ...
"according toTime. Stalin's World is as much a museum of communism as it is an amusement park, with dozens of sculptures memorializing Soviet leaders. Visitors meander through the wetlands on wooden walkways flanked by barbed wire fences and guard posts, reminding the guests what gul...