Tons of cool, weird, useless, odd & awesome fun facts at your finger tips! Browse through them and learn something new each day. Impress your friends with t…
The following selection of species shows just how interesting wildlife can get around the world. Some of these bugs don’t even look like bugs at all, as they mimic objects, plants, or even other species. Table of Contents 1. Man-faced Stink Bug Stink bugsnormally come in a uniform or ...
Finding the answers to these questions and more will leave your classroom shook. We’ve put together this list of weird fun facts to surprise and amaze everyone in your classroom. Our Favorite Weird Fun Facts 1. Australia is wider than the moon. The moon sits at 3,400 kilometers (2,113...
Triatoma insects, also known as "kissing bugs," can be transferred this way and, after burrowing into a person's heart, can cause something called Chagas disease, which can be potentially deadly. How about a hug instead...through a plastic bubble? RD Advertisement 72. Glutton for ...
Now that my mind has been blown by turkey beards today, what else may we might not know about the wild turkeys in Illinois? Little Known Facts About Wild Turkeys I found a blog calledNature For My Soulthat included lots of weird things most people don't know about wild turkeys, and her...
Now that my mind has been blown by turkey beards today, what else may we might not know about the wild turkeys in Illinois? Little Known Facts About Wild Turkeys I found a blog calledNature For My Soulthat included lots of weird things most people don't know about wild turkeys, and her...
This is one that’s been around for a while, most of us hearing about it from the movie Dumbo or from old Bugs Bunny cartoons. Some attribute it to accounts from circus workers who supposedly witnessed their plus-sized performers being terrified first hand. Some unscientific studies from sourc...
Bed bugs can survive for up to a year without feeding under the correct temperatures. As adults the females can lay 300 eggs in their lifetimes. GIF You can have a heart attack and die at any second because of a heart problem you never knew about. ...
In this case, however, facts, forensic evidence and statements made by the accused have led invesitgators to believe that parts of the victims were eaten. [Herald Sun Australia] Posted in Cannibal, Cannibals, Cult, Culture | 1 Comment »Sorcery...
We’re all about facts here, and let me tell you, one of the best things about them is that there are always ones you haven’t heard coming down the pike. New ones, funny ones,shockingones, and yes – weird ones – are just out there, waiting to come up in your presence for the...