摘自S. Weinberg, What is quantum field theory, and what did we think it was? in: T. Cao (ed.), Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge, 1999.我们从Wigner将物理多粒子态定义为非齐次Lorentz群的表示开始,然后定义作用在这些态上的湮灭和产生算符 a(p→,σ,n) 和a†(p→,σ...
Weinberg量子场论(Weinberg Quantum Field Theory)是由美国理论物理学家Steven Weinberg所著的一本经典教材。它是关于量子场论的一本权威性的著作,涵盖了广泛而深入的主题。 该书分为四部分。第一部分介绍了量子力学和相对论,以及它们在粒子物理学中的应用。第二部分介绍了量子力学中的标量场和自旋1/2粒子的标准模型...
[1] S. Weinberg, Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. I: Foundations [2] M. E. Peskin & D. V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory [3] M. Srednicki, Quantum Field Theory [4] M. D. Schwar…
对于现代量子场论的入门,推荐场论大家Tom Banks的《Modern Quantum Field Theory》。这本书在一定程度上存在校对错误,但其内容对于理解量子场论具有重要意义。A.M.Polyakov的《Gauge Fields and Strings》是一本名著,深入探讨了量子场论的动力学,尤其是非微扰方面的内容。此书由Polyakov自己的笔记改编而...
The Quantum Theory of Fields, Volume 1 Steven WeinbergAvailable for the first time in paperback, The Quantum Theory of Fields is a self-contained, comprehensive, and up-to-date introduction to quantum field theory from Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg. Volume I introduces the foundations of quantum...
The Elko quantum field was introduced by Ahluwalia and Grumiller, who proposed it as a candidate for dark matter. We study the Elko field in Wemberg's formalism for quantum field theory. We prove that if one takes the symmetry group to be the full Pomcar茅 group then the Elko field is...
尽管不可重整化理论有无穷多的自由参数,我们依然可以考量费曼振幅的非解析部分来获得一部分的预言 任何相对论量子理论,在足够低能的情况下都表现为一个量子场论(见书中Preface) Again,Why quantum field theory is the way it is! 分享至 投诉或建议 评论3 赞与转发 2 0 3...
Quantum vacuum fluctuations: Some interpretations of quantum field theory suggest that the quantum vacuum is filled with virtual particle-antiparticle pairs that constantly fluctuate into and out of existence. The characteristic timescale of these fluctuations is related to the Compton time, t_C = ...
我比较推荐场论大家 Tom Banks (提出M理论的Matrix theory的作者之一) 的《Modern Quantum Field Theory...
In The Quantum Theory of Fields Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg com-bines his exceptional physical insight with his gift for clear exposition to provide a self-contained, comprehensive, and up-to-date introduction to quantum field theory.Volume I introduces the foundations of quantum field theory. Th...