Weill Cornell Medicine,即威尔康奈尔医学院,是美国一所享有盛誉的医学院,隶属于著名的私立研究型大学——康奈尔大学。以下是关于Weill Cornell Medicine的详细介绍: 历史背景 威尔康奈尔医学院成立于1898年,由康奈尔大学和纽约长老会医院联合创办。自成立以来,学院一直致力于病患护理、科学发现和未来医生的培养,这三方面也是...
康奈尔医学院(WeillCornellMedicalCollege,NYC)成立于1898年,该医学院与医学研究学院(WeillCornellGraduateSchoolofMedicalSciences)经过了美国医学院协会与美国医学协会医学教育理事会(theLiaisonCommitteeforMedicalEducationoftheAmericanMedicalAssociationandtheAssociationofAmericanMedicalColleges)的认证。 康奈尔医学院提供的学位包...
education at the Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, and with neighboring Sloan-Kettering Institute and The Rockefeller University, has established a joint MD-PhD program for students to intensify their pursuit of Weill Cornell's triple mission of education, research, and patient care....
Students in the dual MD/PhD Program receive their financial aid covering full tuition and a stipend for living expenses through a program by the National Institutes of Health and Weill Cornell Medicine. Thanks to these two programs, 2/3 of Weill Cornell Medicine’s medical students will graduate...
NOVEL INTERVENTIONS FOR THE COMMUNITY CARE OF LATE-LIFE DEPRESSION: A REPORT BY THE WEILL CORNELL ALACRITY CENTER - ScienceDirectGeorge Alexopoulos MDPatricia Marino PhDDimitris Kiosses PhDJo Anne Sirey PhDThe American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry...