Kenya - also currently an Associate - has acceded to the Metre Convention and will become a Member on 1 January 2010. The CIPM will remember that the financial scenario on which the programme of work was prioritized at its meeting in October 2008 was based on an additional two Members: a...
where 𝐷 D¯ is the posterior mean of the deviance which measures the goodness of fit and 𝑝𝐷pD is the effective number of parameters which penalises for the complexity of the model. Models with the smallest DIC indicated a better model fit. 3. Application Although Malawi and Mozambiqu...
where 𝐷 D¯ is the posterior mean of the deviance which measures the goodness of fit and 𝑝𝐷pD is the effective number of parameters which penalises for the complexity of the model. Models with the smallest DIC indicated a better model fit. 3. Application Although Malawi and Mozambiqu...