一些高中使用未加权(Unweighted)的GPA,而一些使用加权(Weighted)的GPA。本文将为你概述这两者之间的区别以及在个人经历背景下每种类型的GPA可能意味着什么。 一. 基本区别 那么什么是加权和未加权的GPA?简而言之,未加权的GPA不考虑课程难度水平,而加权的GP...
一些高中使用未加权(Unweighted)的GPA,而一些使用加权(Weighted)的GPA。本文将为你概述这两者之间的区别以及在个人经历背景下每种类型的GPA可能意味着什么。 基本区别 那么什么是加权和未加权的GPA?简而言之,未加权的GPA不考虑课程难度水平,而加权的GPA相反。 未加权GPA 传统上,GPA是根据未加权的标尺计算的。未加权G...
一般来说,unweighted (未加权)GPA没有考虑到学生的课业负担。每一门课的价值都对应相同的积分。也就是说等级A对应4分(以满分4.0为参考系),等级B对应3分,等级C对应2分,不及格对应1分或者更低。 举例来说,如果一个学生在简单的体育教育课中,或者难度很高的环境课程AP课中(AP课程解释见注释一)都拿了B,那么他...
那么总的Weighted GPA就是4.0+4.5+4.0+4.0+3.5除以5,即4.0。相对的,如果按照Unweighted GPA来算的话则是4.0+4.0+3.0+3.0+3.0除以5,即3.4,单从数字上来看就要吃亏很多。 申请中一般可以选择是报Weighted GPA或者Unweighted GPA,大多数情况下Weighted在体现学生学术能力上是比较有利的。同学们可以根据自己实际选课的...
You will also be required to lift the weight of your GPA times 40 in order to walk at graduation, so start training. Why do you think valedictorians are always so ripped? Summary Your high school GPA may be measured on either an unweighted or weighted scale. The main difference between ...
那么总的Weighted GPA就是4.0+4.5+4.0+4.0+3.5除以5,即4.0。相对的,如果按照Unweighted GPA来算的话则是4.0+4.0+3.0+3.0+3.0除以5,即3.4,单从数字上来看就要吃亏很多。 申请中一般可以选择是报Weighted GPA或者Unweighted GPA,大多数情况下Weighted在体现学生学术能力上是比较有利的。同学们可以根据自己实际选课的...
GPA一般有两种算法:Weighted(加权)和Unweighted(未加权)。 加权vs 未加权 GPA通常按unweighted的标准计算,范围为 0 - 4.0。 这意味着课程难度将不会被考虑,无论是在简单的课程还是更具挑战性的课程中获得 A,它始终是 4.0。 举个unweighted (未加权)GPA的例子: ...
Note first that an unweighted GPA cannot average to more than 4.0, which means that there is no mathematical difference between an A and an A+ in unweighted GPAs. Furthermore, not all schools offer A+ as a grade, so colleges treat it as identical to an A in unweighted GPAs. Similarly...
unweighted or weighted scale. The main difference between the two is that weighted GPAs take into account the difficulty of your coursework and unweighted GPAs don’t. Most unweighted GPAs are recorded on a scale of 0 to 4.0, and most weighted GPAs are recorded on a scale of 0 to 5.0...
As with an unweighted GPA, a plus or minus corresponds to a difference of 0.3. Because of the different weighting of classes, a weighted GPA better reflects the overall difficulty of a student’s course load. For example, a student who earned a B in an AP English Literature and ...