Compared to the basic average, the weighted average formula is more expressive and descriptive since the resulting average number indicates the relative value of each observation. Unlike the arithmetic mean, the weighted average gives some data points in the data set more weight than others. It can...
We proposed an improved GM(1,1) model based on weighted mean squared error (MSE) and optimal weighted background value: OB-WMSE-GM(1,1). To illustrate its effectiveness, it was applied to one simulation example and two application examples. For the exponential function simulation example, ...
,xk) is the α-weighted mean of the arithmetic means of the elements of the α-level multisets of (x1,…,xk). An application of such an aggregation can prove useful, for example, in multi-expert evaluation, where the aggregated values (x1,…,xk) would represent expert evaluations and ...
In the weighted average approach mean of weighted pixels is calculated in each image. The specific weight is provided to each source image and weighted total of each pixel value in the source photos produces the resulting image. The main formula for carrying out this procedure is: (5)F(i,j...
Finally, histogram equalization is applied to these sub-histograms, resulting in improved image enhancement. Simulation experiments demonstrate that this technique effectively preserves mean brightness and enhances contrast. However, the plateau limit calculation formula in the BHE3PL is fixed and cannot be...
For a domain , let X be a random variable on a probability space which takes values in the space of analytic functions on D. If follows a mean zero complex Gaussian distribution for every and every , X is said to be a Gaussian analytic function (GAF) [35]. In the present paper the...
Despite having no significant genes (p < 0.01), the mean expression change of the genes in the glycosphingolipid biosynthesis--globo series pathway was over 3-fold; specific values for significance and fold-change for the genes in this pathway are shown in Table 5. The glycosphingolipid ...
where Ssis the synthetic signal intensity, Sathe acquired signal and N the number of voxels in the considered images. Mean and standard deviation of ΔS over all patients are reported. A negative value indicates that the acquired signal intensity is higher than the synthesized signal intensity. ...
A main disadvantage of this formula is that it can be possibly negative, which has been discussed in (25). This happens when a term appears in more than half of the documents. Thus, we choose to floor the IDF values to 0. 4 Experiments 4.1 Experimental Protocol To assess the relevance ...
The following formula was used to calculate CNR: CNR=Slesion−Stissueσlesion2+σtissue2 Slesion: mean signal intensity of lesion ROI, Stissue: mean signal intensity of normal breast tissue, σlesion and σtissue: standard deviations of lesion ROI and normal breast tissue, respectively [34]...