1)提出Weighted guided filter(WGIF)的原因; 2)公式推导; 3)代码讲解; 3个方面讲解Weighted Guided Filter(WGIF)。 三. Weighted Guided Filter(WGIF) 3.1 提出WGIF的原因 在上一篇的末尾,我提到过guided filter(GIF)其实是有些缺点的,比如说会在边缘附近产生光晕伪影(halo artifacts)。原因是因为GIF是一个局...
WeightedGuidedImageFiltering论文学习 摘要: WGIF时间复杂度O(N),可避免全局平滑滤波中存在的光晕问题。 WGIF可应用于图像细节增强,图像去雾,以及对不同曝光影像的融合。 1 全局滤波和局部滤波 全局边缘保持平滑滤波:数据项+正则化项 数据项:衡量滤波图像的精度。 正则化项:决定图像的平滑程度。 效果好,但是计算...
It is known that local filtering based edge-preserving smoothing techniques suffer from halo artifacts. In this paper, a weighted guided image filter (WGIF) is introduced by incorporating an edge-aware weighting into an existing guided image filter (GIF) to address the problem. The WGIF inherits...
Image filtering under guidance image, known as guided filtering (GF), has been successfully applied to a variety of applications. Existing GF methods utilize either conventional full window-based framework (FWF) or simple uniformly weighted aggregation strategy (UWA); thereby they suffer from edge-bl...
Weighted median guided filtering method for single image rain removal Zhenghao Shi1*, Yaowei Li1, Changqing Zhang3, Minghua Zhao1, Yaning Feng1 and Bo Jiang2 Abstract Because there is no temporal information available, rain removal with a single image is more challenging than that with a video...
contrast enhancement; detail enhancement; endoscopic image; tissue structure; secondary weighted guided filtering MSC: 68U101. Introduction With the development of science and technology, endoscopy has become a widely employed medical procedure [1]. Through endoscopy, doctors not only directly observe ...