One type of average which is typically weighted is a grade point average. As the calculation of GPA may sometimes be tricky, we've created two dedicated tools: the high school GPA and the college GPA calculator— have you checked them yet? Let's find out how to calculate a weighted avera...
An investor is building up a particular stock in his portfolio. He purchases the same stock at different prices over time. He can calculate the weighted mean for the average share price. In this example, the prices are the values, and the numbers of stocks are the weights. Here, the weig...
display, less on the video card and the battery longevity, and even less on weight and CPU power. Assuming there are five possible choices with roughly equal price and scores on each characteristic on a scale from 1 to 10, the weighted average score for each is calculated in the table ...
The volume weighted adjusted price is the true average price of the stock and does not affect its closing price. The VWAP calculation, like themoving average, experiences a lag as it is based on historical data, making it better suited for intraday trading. VWAP is a popular...
What is volume-weighted average price (VWAP)? VWAPis the average price of a stock weighted by volume. By monitoring VWAP, a trader might get an idea of a stock's liquidity and the price buyers and sellers agree is fair at a specific time. The VWAP indicator can be used by day traders...
included intheweighted-averagenumber of shares outstanding used in the calculation [...] 若企業得選擇以股票或現金發放員工分紅,則 計算稀釋每股盈餘時,應假設員工分紅將採發放股票方式,並於該潛在普通股具有稀 釋作用時計入加權平均流通在外股數,以計...
Divide by the divisor. The first time you compute the price-weighted average, the divisor is simply the number of stocks, but this value may change with stock splits. In the example, dividing $80 by 2 gives a price-weighted average of $40, but stock splits will change this calculation...
when they can, institutions will try to buy below the VWAP or sell above it. This way their actions push the price back toward the average, instead of away from it.
Simply averaging the cost of equity across categories in the example above would have yielded a cost of equity of 12.3%. That said, averaging is rarely done as the weighted average cost of equity is usually used as part of the larger calculation of a company'sweighted average cost of capita...
A weighted average is a calculation that assigns varying degrees of importance to the numbers in a particular data set. A weighted average can be more accurate than a simple average in which all numbers in a data set are assigned an identical weight. It is widely used in investing and many...