2015. Weight uncertainty in neural networks. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on International Conference on Machine Learning - Volume 37 (ICML'15). JMLR.org, 1613–1622. 摘要 我们引入了一种新的、高效的、有原则的、兼容反向传播的算法来学习神经网络权值的概率分布,称之为Bayes by...
WeightUncertaintyinNeural Networks CharlesBlundell,JulienCornebise,KorayKavukcuoglu, DaanWierstra PresentedbyMichaelCogswell PointEstimatesofNetworkWeights MLE PointEstimatesofNeuralNetworks MAP ADistributionoverNeuralNetworks IdealTestDistribution Approximate 1. 2. Why? 1.Regularization 2.Understandnetworkuncertainty...
Network Uncertainty 方向非常经典的一篇文章,同时也是贝叶斯神经网络奠基作之一, 1100+ 次引用 用Bayes衡量模型参数的不确定度 Main Idea 网络权重不再是一个单个的值,而是一个数值分布。(文中假设为高斯分布) 那么P(y|x,w)就是特定权重分布,特定输入下输出的分布。 那么网络权重需要最大化的就是 MLE。(这个可...
Hyperspherical Weight Uncertainty in Neural Networks Bayesian neural networks learn a posterior probability distribution over the weights of the network to estimate the uncertainty in predictions. Parameteriz... B Ghoshal,A Tucker 被引量: 0发表: 2021年 Implicit Weight Uncertainty in Neural Networks Mode...
ON SPATIAL UNCERTAINTY IN A SURFACE LONG BASELINE POSITIONING SYSTEM This paper describes a general method for estimating the probability distribution of an acoustic source resulting from noisy measurements in a surface long baseline (SLBL) positioning system. Compared with Monte Carlo simulations this ...