College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A&F University, 22 Xinong Road Yangling District, Xianyang, 712100, Shaanxi, China Tian-shun Hou & Hao-Yu Liu Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, 18015, USA Contributions Tian-shun Ho...
[Henry Cavendish] fixed the weight of the earth; he established the proportions of the constituents of the air; he occupied himself with the quantitative study of the laws of heat; and lastly, he demonstrated the nature of water and determined its volumetric composition. Earth, air, fire, ...
It contains one of the largest exposures of clay-bearing rocks on Mars with an estimated age of almost 4 billion years. Sediments of hydrated minerals such as iron- and magnesium-rich phyllosilicates indicate that water once played a role in the formation of these structures [10,11,12]. To...
After optimization, the weights of the control arm and torsion beam are reduced by 0.505 kg and 1.189 kg, respectively. In order to efficiently solve these multi-objective optimization problems, the surrogate models are usually adopted because of their affordable computational cost. Craig et al. [...
HSWIM (high speed weight-in-motion) systems enable measurement of a mass of vehicles passing through a measurement station without disturbing the traffic flow. This article focuses on the calibration of a weighing station for moving vehicles, where strain gauge sensors are used to measure pressures...
The impact of the hammer generates a stress wave in the hammering head that propagates towards the tip to drive the rod into the soil. The penetration (e, mm) and the cone resistance (𝑞𝑑qd, MPa) for each blow are continuously recorded using the Dutch formula [25,26,27,28], assu...