Calculate the weight of 100 m 16 mm ø bar. Here, D = 16 mm. L = 100 m. W = 16² x 100/162 = 158 kg. If we put 1 meter length for each diameter of steel bar in the formula then we will get the unit weight. 6 mm ø bar = 6² x 1/162 = 0.222 kg/m 8 mm ...
常用钢筋重量换算(Weightconversionofcommonsteelbar) Weightconversionofcommonsteelbar TheoreticalweightofrebarwithdiameterofD= d^2/100*0.617=d^2X0.00617? ^2issquare,and0.617isthetheoreticalweightof10steel bars.Itonlyneedstorememberthetheoreticalweightof10 ...
钢筋重量表(Steel weight list).doc,钢筋重量表(Steel weight list) Calculated sectional area and theoretical weight of steel bars B.1 Nominal diameter (mm) single reinforcement theoretical weight (kg/m) 60.222 6.5, 0.260 80.395 8.2, 0.432 100.617 120.88
钢筋重量计算表(Steelweightcalculationsheet) Formula"onemeterweight"(kg)=diameter(CM)*diameter(CM) *0.617 Threedecimalsindiameterof12andless;12decimalplaces; twodecimalplaces;6to7 Suchasthediameterof25steel 0.006165*25*25=3.85KG 60.222 6.5,0.260 ...
Typical weights of mild steel square bars. Weight of mild steel square bars can be calculated as W = 0.00785 s2 (1) where W = weight (kg/m) s = square bar side (mm) Mild Steel - Square Bars Weight Bar Side (mm) Weight (kg/m) 8 0.50 10 0.79 12.5 1.22 16 2.01 20 3.14 ...
Tungsten W: 19.35g/cm3 Hafnium Hf: 13.31g/cm3 Tantalum Ta: 16.6g/cm3 Nickel Ni: 8.85g/cm3 Copper Cu: 8.95g/cm3 Iron Fe: 7.8g/cm3 Plain steel: 7.87-8.0g/cm3 Vanadium V: 5.96g/cm3 Aluminum Al: 2.7 g/cm3 Chromium Cr: 7.2g/cm3 ...
钢筋规格重量表(Barspecificationweightlist)钢筋规格重量表(Bar specification weight list)螺纹钢 Φ9-0.499kg/m Φ10-0.617kg/m Φ12-0.888kg/m Φ14-1.21kg/m Φ16-1.58kg/m Φ18-2.00kg/m Φ20-2.47kg/m Φ22-2.98kg/m Φ25-3.85kg/m Φ28-4.83kg/m Φ32-6.31kg/m Φ40...
其基本公式为: W(重量,公斤)= F(断面积mm2)×L(长度,M)×ρ(密度,g/cm3)×1 / 1000 The theoretical formulas for calculating the weight of various steels are as follows: Name (unit) Calculation formula Symbolic meaning Calculation example Round steel rod (kg/m) W= 0.006165 x D * D D =...
For example,let’s calculate the weight of a 1/2″ diameter steel round bar that is 48″ long. The density of the steel bar is 490.1 lb/ft³, which is equal to 0.2836 lb/in³. We need to calculate the volume using the formula above. ...
Calculationformula Symbolicmeaning Examplesofcalculation Roundsteelwirerod(kg/m) W=0.006165xDxD D=diametermm Roundsteelbarsofdiameter100mm,eachmweightiscalculated. WeightperM=0.006165x1002=61.65kg Threadsteel(kg/m) W=0.00617xDxD D=sectiondiametermm ...