Easy to use converter for stones to kilograms (st to kg) weight conversions and kilograms to stones (kg to st) weight conversion for British and international weights.
: to get the better of : overcome the problem didn't throw her 3 a : to fling (oneself) precipitately threw herself down on the sofa b : to drive or impel violently : dash the ship was thrown on a reef 4a(1) : to put in a particular position or condition threw her arms...
The first known use ofthrowwas in the 14th century See more words from the same century Phrases Containingthrow a stone's throw a stone's throw away a throw cast/shed/throw light on cast/throw doubt on cast/throw pearls before swine ...
This anomaly in the way people measure their weight on either side of the Atlantic came about in 1824 when the stone was formally adopted into the British Imperial Avoirdupois weight system.The Weights And Measures Act of 1824, passed by the British parliament, set the stone as 14 pounds. ...
Spelling:American|British Convert from:Carats (metric) [CM]Centigrams [cg]Decigrams [dg]Dekagrams [dag]Grains [gr]Grams [g]Kilograms [kg]Micrograms [mcg]Milligrams [mg]Newtons [N]Ounces Avoir [oz]Ounces Troy [t oz]PennyWeights [pwt]Pounds Avoir [lb]Pounds TroySlugsStone (UK) [st]Stone...
e.g. This reduced the weight of the load... 这减轻了负荷的重量。In British English, a person's weight is normally measured in stones and pounds. A stone is equivalent to 14 pounds, or 6.35 kilograms. When you are mentioning someone's weight, you often omit the word pounds, and stone...
BRITISH COMMONIf someonethrowstheirweight aroundorabout, they behave aggressively and use their authority over other people more forcefully than they need to.Some people regarded him as a bully who was inclined to throw his weight around.As a Party boss he used to throw his weight about. ...
Pounds A pound is a unit of weight commonly used in the United States and the British commonwealths. A pound is defined as exactly 0.45359237 kilograms. Abbreviation: lbBrowse Weight Conversions Convert from Carats Convert from Grains Convert from Grams Convert from Kilograms Convert from Milligrams...
long ton (UK) to British centner 20 long ton (UK) to short hundredweight (US) 22.4 long ton (UK) to stone(st) 160 long ton (UK) to stone, pounds, and ounces(X st Y lbs Z oz) 160st 0lbs long ton (UK) to pound(lb)
Junior Middleweight [also called Light Middleweight, Super Welterweight] (148-154 lbs; 67.3 – 70.0 kg; 10 stone, 8 pounds – 11 stone): First created by the New York Walker Law (in 1920); first established by the NBA (in 1956). Recognized by the Austrian Boxing Board of Control and...