and human studies. In mice, FGF21 is thought to cause weight loss by stimulating thermogenesis, but whether FGF21 increases energy expenditure (EE) in primates is unclear. Here, we explore the transcriptional response and gene networks active in adipose tissue of rhesus macaques following FGF21-i...
Steers in the KV group received an initial dose of Vira Shield® (Novartis Animal Health US, Inc., Greensboro, NC, USA) injection on d −56 or −49 pre-challenge and a booster on d −35, −28, or −25, depending on year, with a target of 21 d between priming and ...
The drawback of this type of carbon fibers was their high cost, but the development of short pitch-based carbon fibers has compensated this shortcoming. Pitch-based carbon fibers are considered an excellent reinforcement for cement composites, and they have been extensively used for general ...