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“Successful Hypnosis for Obesity”–“Eight obese adults and three children have been treated successfully with hypnosis…” and “Hypnosis is a viable, non-invasive method for treating obesity. All the above subjects have achieved or are achieving their desired weight loss.”–Internal Medicine Jou...
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Since then, I’ve partnered with voiceover artist Kodi Roberts to release numerous hypnosis programs for my male to female clientele. Over the years, I’ve received multiple requests to create a hypnosis program specifically focused on weight loss. I’m thrilled to announce that this much-reques...
We conducted a prospective analysis within the Nurses' Health Study to examine the associations of weight gain and loss, both since age 18 years and since menopause, with postmenopausal breast cancer risk. Methods In 1976, 121 700 female, married, registered nurses, ages 30 to 55 years, were...
My entire life changed in the twinkling of an eye. My confidence evaporated and my body began to deteriorate. In less than a year I went from a healthy woman to a female walking with a cane, mumbled speech, a loss of feeling in my limbs. I also lost my coordination and balance. I...
We analyzed the labels of over 100 weight loss supplements to bring you what we believe to be the best on the market. No marketing hype weight loss pills, just some of the highest rated fat burners for men and women, to destroy stubborn fat and help you reach your weight loss goals. ...
Weight Loss, Treat Obesity ebook based on real fitness transformation, from 134KG to 74Kg in Less than 4 months.
Results Mice that were fed the low fat diets after crossover had significantly reduced body mass, body fat, and energy intake compared with the mice that were fed the high fat diets. After weight loss, female mice fed the low fat diets had significantly smaller femoral cross-sectional area ...
I've lost over 100 Pounds so far but I am still on my Weight Loss Journey!!! For ANYONE trying to lose weight I know it can be a BATTLE, but you can do it!!! With some MOTIVATION and FILLING foods that you LIKE, you can do it!!MORE Email *** YouTube Subscribers...