国外学飞必备知识Weight and Balance Itaffectsperformance Affectshowmuchfuelyouburn Improperweightandbalancecankeepyoufromtakingoff,recoveringfromastall,clearingobstacles,orreachingyourairport Willbenecessarytoknowforflighttrainingandattheairline WeightandbalancetermsHowtodetermineyourCGEffectofweightandbalanceon...
or reaching your airport Will be necessary to know for flight training and at the airline Weight and balance terms How to determine your CG Effect of weight and balance on performance Weight terms Effects of weight on performance Effects of weight on airplane structure Methods of weight and balan...
Revenue may also be produced by cargo carried as part of the payload, but this is difficult to specify in the initial design, being dependent upon the priorities placed on cargo by different airline operators. Therefore the payload in the initial design phase will be set by the passenger load...
[01:14:03] Jordan Harbinger: always, man, that's crazy. By the time you're manufacturing fewer knee and hip replacements and saving millions of dollars on airline fuel and Nestle's like, oh crap, how are we gonna sell all this stuff that makes people sick like you? I mean, it's ...
On April 28, 1988, a Boeing 737-200, operated by Aloha Airline, has experienced an explosive decompression during climb out at cruise altitude. About 5.5 m long pressure cabin skin above the passenger floor-line and supporting structures after the cabin entrance door exploded away in the decompr...
K. First aid kit includes bandaids, tweezers, box knife, small bottle of alcohol (airline vodka bottle) burn dressings, antibiotic cream, pain killers up to Tylenol with codeine, anti-histamines, disinfectant. A foam pad and branches makes a good splint. ...