Diese Differenz in der Insulinsekretion wird mit der unterschiedlichen Korperzusammensetzung der beiden Gruppen in Zusammenhang gebracht.In der Diskussion wird darauf hingewiesen, das weitere Faktoren wie Struktur des Futters (Pellets oder Mehl), Rasse und Geschlecht der Tiere die Futteraufnahme ...
In contrast, when the stressed animals were fed with chow pellets, they did not show any change in their food intake, which supported the specificity of the high-fat-high-sugar palatable food to activate the rewarding processes in the brain and to motivate the animals to maintain hyperphagia ...
After the final wash, pellets were air dried and resuspended in a minimal volume of 8 mM NaOH and vortexed. A mix of 1M HEPES and 100 mM EDTA was added to each isolated DNA. DNA samples were incubated at room temperature overnight and DNA concentrations measured. 2.9.3. Mitochondrial ...
Table 1.Dietary ingredients used to make two rations (pellets) used for the 8 weeks feeding of maternal Composite lambs and Merino sheep. 2.2. Environmental Conditions Temperature and humidity were logged at 15-min intervals within the animal house using Tinytag data loggers (Hastings Data Logger...