For most of us, weight lifting isn't explosive enough to stimulate such bone bending.───对我们中的大部分人来说,举重不能爆发出足够的能量来刺激诸如此类的骨骼弯曲。 Weight loss" "fishing" "weight lifting" I could go on and on but you get the idea.───我在这里给你一点儿提示,比如关于...
weight lifting n. 举重 Weight n. 重,重量,体重,砝码,重担,重大,影响,力量,势力 vt. 加重量于,压迫,使加权 weight n. 1.重量,分量 2.砝码,秤砣 3.重物 4.负荷,负担 5.重要性;严重性;影响力 v.[T] 1.使…变重 2.偏袒 paper weight n. 镇纸 weight watcher n. 节食减肥者 winter weight...
你是指体操, 举重等等,是像这样的 吗 ? 13.But academies of weight lifting, badminton, gymnastics, diving? 不过,专门为举重 、 毛球 、 操和跳水而设立学校? 14.Weight Lifting May Increase Risk of Glaucoma. 肥胖可能增加青光眼的危险性. 15.The heel of weight lifting shoe not Ying Taigao, can ...
The heel of weight lifting shoe not Ying Taigao, can make joint burden overweight otherwise. 举重鞋的后跟不应太高,否则会使膝关节负担过重. 互联网 We provide ample facilities for things like athletics weight - lifting, chest - expanding and there is a swimming. ...
weight lifting 美 英 na.【体】举重 网络举重赛;举重比赛;举重器 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 【体】举重 释义: 全部,举重,举重赛,举重比赛,举重器
One of the greatest things about muscle is that it burns calories all day long, even when you're lying on the couch. What this means is that the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn during the day and the more you'll be able to eat without gaining weight. Sound inte...
第一条:lifting weights 说明:这个短语与“weight lifting”意思相同,都指举重运动或锻炼。 第二条:weight training 说明:这个短语强调通过举重进行的训练,常用于健身和体育训练的语境。 第三条:strength training 说明:虽然这个短语不直接提到“举重”,但它涵盖了使用重物进行的所有训练,...
Todd Plummer, WSJ, 19 Oct. 2023 See all Example Sentences for weight lifter Word History First Known Use 1897, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of weight lifter was in 1897 See more words from the same year Dictionary...
不!细胞代谢的新研究揭示了运动如何提高心理压力的恢复能力,并对大脑和精神发挥抗焦虑作用。这个生物学故事很精彩,主要讲述了运动过程中产生的乳酸如何修改一种关键蛋白质 SNAP91,该蛋白质控制脑细胞如何相互交流。在这段视频中,我对数据进行了细分,并为您提供了实用的要点,供您带到健身房……您甚至还可以节省治疗...