The sample size and power calculations were therefore based on non-inferiority of the two experimental groups versus the reference group. The study had 80% power to exclude, with 95% confidence (one-sided), a 1% higher rate of the primary endpoints compared with the reference group, provided ...
During the intervention, real-time heart rate monitoring was ensured by having both groups wear heart rate monitors (Polar H10, Finland) to adjust exercise intensity based on observed heart rate changes. One month before the experiment, we conducted a survey on the dietary habits and daily activi...
The presence of Lys–Ce6 facilitated aggregation of the poly-L-lysine structure, confirmed through calculations of aggregation scores by using the Analyze Protein Aggregation module. In single molecules, LPLCe6 with only one Ce6 molecule had an average aggregation score of −0.176 for four ...