weichanganwan 胃肠安丸胃肠安丸组成木香 适量 沉香 适量 枳壳 适量(麸炒) 檀香 适量 大黄 适量 厚朴 适量(姜炙) 人工麝香 适量 巴豆霜 适量 大枣 适量(去核) 川芎 适量 胃肠安丸的功效与作用芳香化浊,理气止痛,健胃导滞。 胃肠安丸主治...
武志康CN1161867A * Apr 10, 1996 Oct 15, 1997 成都市金牛区爱华保健用品厂 Weichangan therapeutic and health-care bag for intestines and stomach
【性状】 本品为朱红色的水丸;气芳香,味甘、辛苦。 【鉴别】 (1)取本品1g,研细,加甲醇20ml,浸渍1小时,滤过,滤液蒸干,残渣加水10ml使溶解,加盐酸0.5ml,置水浴上加热30分钟,冷却,用乙醚提取二次,每次20ml,合并乙醚液,脱脂棉滤过,蒸干,残渣加甲醇1ml使溶解,作为供试品溶液。另取大黄对照药材0.2g,同法制成...
Aim: To investigate the effect of Weichangan Pill and different extracts on the intestinal transit and gastric emptying in mice.Methods: Phenol red was used as a marker to investigate the effects of Weichangan Pill on motility of small intestine and gastric emptying in mice.Results: There was ...
The present invention provides a new use of Compound Weichangan medicine, the preparation of the herbal composition Weichangan colon cancer drugs and has important value as an anticancer drug potentiator aspect.收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享
【制法】 以上十一味,巴豆霜、麝香分别粉碎成细粉;朱砂水飞成极细粉;其余沉香等八味粉碎成细粉,与巴豆霜、麝香粉末配研,混匀,过筛,用水泛丸,低温干燥,用朱砂包衣,打光,阴干,即得。 【性状】 本品为朱红色的水丸;气芳香,味甘、辛、苦。 【鉴别】(1) 取本品1g,研细,加甲醇20ml,浸渍1 小时,滤过,滤液蒸...
【制法】 以上十一味,巴豆霜、麝香分别粉碎成细粉;朱砂水飞成极细粉;其余沉香等八味粉碎成细粉,与巴豆霜、麝香粉末配研,混匀,过筛,用水泛丸,低温干燥,用朱砂包衣,打光,阴干,即得。 【性状】 本品为朱红色的水丸;气芳香,味甘、辛、苦。 【鉴别】 (1) 取本品1g,研细,加甲醇20ml,浸渍1 小时,滤过,滤液...
好大夫在线 29万+专家为患者在线解答胃肠安丸对症功效与作用,药品用法用量和副作用等问题,在线问诊,根据病情开具胃肠安丸;由大型连锁药店送药,品质保证,价格便宜;胃肠安丸由天津中新药业集团股份有限公司乐仁堂制药厂生产,。
Weichangan has the obvious advantages that Weichangan has small treatment side effects on diseases, is small in dosage, has good effects and has not only good prevention effects but also better treatment and protection effects on alcoholic gastric ulcer.高文远...
A nanometre (0.1-200 nm) medicine "Weichangan" for treating gastroenteropathy is prepared from the nanometre powders of 11 Chinese medicinal materials including aucklandia root, eagle wood, musk, Chuan-xiong rhizome, etc. through proportioning, microwave extracting, pressure reduction concentrating and ...