如果数量 x 是“故障时间”,则威布尔分布给出了故障率与时间的幂成正比的分布。形状参数 k 是功率加 1,因此该参数可以直接解释如下: • Avalueofk < 1 表示故障率随时间降低。如果存在显着的“婴儿死亡率”,或者有缺陷的产品过早失效,并且随着有缺陷的产品从总体中剔除,失效率会随着时间的推移而降低,就会发...
如果数量 x 是“故障时间”,则威布尔分布给出了故障率与时间的幂成正比的分布。形状参数 k 是功率加 1,因此该参数可以直接解释如下: • Avalueofk < 1 表示故障率随时间降低。如果存在显着的“婴儿死亡率”,或者有缺陷的产品过早失效,并且随着有缺陷的产品从总体中剔除,失效率会随着时间的推移而降低,就会发...
ABSTRACT The relatio nship bet ween t he p redicted value of Weibull modulus ( m ) and t he variatio n coefficient of t he measured st rengt h ( cv) for ceramics is described quantitatively by Mo nte Carlo simulatio ns. A simple met hod for determining Weibull modulus directly wit...
A two-parameter Weibull distribution was employed to execute the Weibull analysis, using an estimator that renders a more realistic Weibull modulus value, as other estimators were found to subestimate or overestimate this value. Weibull modulus values were obtained for adhesive bonds with different ...
Tab.6 Weibull modulus and characteristic strength of UHMWPE fibers at different spacings 从表6可知,4种隔距的Weibull模量值均不相同,这与随机误差有关。特征强度随着隔距的增大而减小。Xia等 [19]在探究不同隔距下黄麻纤维的特征强度时也得出了...
The effect of true Weibull modulus and sample size on Weibull modulus estimated by moments and maximum likelihood methods was investigated. Results indicated that the value of true Weibull modulus had no effect on estimated modulus for the maximum likelihood method, and a strong effect for the mome...
荤 类 陶T B 瓷 1 1 4 T B 3 2 6 O 2 4 1 2 温墅 中圈分类号 A I戚r9n T he j加u%ce of r 嘲O _ I叫 . stash and the reJatior,~l- f i p between Weibull modulus and 巷 . 氇 曲 J .——、 Oll W e~ll m I 1 1s of nen coef ficient ind icate that theWe~mll...
The parameters of the two-parametric Weibull distribution, the Weibull modulus and the scale parameter, were estimated by using not only analytical means but also Monte-Carlo simulations. The precision of the measurement of both parameters, i.e. their variation coefficient, has been calculated. It...
Despite its minor impact on the average fracture strength, dissolution of β-network in age-hardened samples gives rise to the higher Weibull modulus (β). According to Fig. 11(a), heat treatment has increased the β value by about 75% indicating that the heat-treated samples have less prob...
1). The Weibull modulus m determines the scatter around the average value. A large Weibull modulus indicates a narrow distribution, which corresponds to little scatter in the fibre strength (see Fig. 1). Sign in to download hi-res image Fig. 1. Example of a Weibull distribution with σ0 ...