从概率论和统计学角度看,Weibull Distribution是连续性的概率分布,其概率密度为: 其中,x是随机变量,λ>0是比例参数(scale parameter),k>0是形状参数(shape parameter)。显然,它的累积分布函数是扩展的指数分布函数,而且,Weibull distribution与很多分布都有关系。如,当k=1,它是指数分布;k=2时,是Rayleigh distributi...
where k > 0 is the shape parameter and > 0 is the scale parameter of the distribution. (It is one of the rare cases where we use a shape parameter different from skewness and kurtosis.) Its complementary cumulative distribution function is a stretched exponential function. If the quantity x...
其中,x是随机变量,λ>0是比例参数(scale parameter),k>0是形状参数(shape parameter)。显然,它的累积分布函数是扩展的指数分布函数,而且,Weibull distribution与很多分布都有关系。如,当k=1,它是指数分布;k=2且时,是Rayleigh distribution(瑞利分布)。©...
40. where k > 0 is the shape parameter and > 0 is the scale parameter of the distribution. (It is one of the rare cases where we use a shape parameter different from skewness and kurtosis.) Its complementary cumulative distribution function is a stretched exponential function. If the quanti...
其中,x是随机变量,λ>0是比例参数(scale parameter),k>0是形状参数(shape parameter)。显然,它的累积分布函数是扩展的指数分布函数,而且,Weibull distribution与很多分布都有关系,可以作为许多其他分布的近似,如,可将形状参数设为合适的值近似正态、对数正态、指数等分布。形状参数通常在[1,7]间取值,如,...
publicWeibullDistribution(doubleshape,doublescale) { if(shape<=0) thrownewArgumentOutOfRangeException( "Shape parameter must be positive"); if(scale<=0) thrownewArgumentOutOfRangeException( "Scale parameter must be positive"); DefineParameters(shape, scale); ...
Compute the hazard function for the Weibull distribution with the scale parameter value 1 and the shape parameter value 2. Get t = 0:0.1:4.5; h1 = wblpdf(t,1,2)./(1-wblcdf(t,1,2)); Compute the mean of the Weibull distribution with scale parameter value 1 and shape parameter value...
Compute the hazard function for the Weibull distribution with the scale parameter value 1 and the shape parameter value 2. t = 0:0.1:4.5; h1 = wblpdf(t,1,2)./(1-wblcdf(t,1,2)); Compute the mean of the Weibull distribution with scale parameter value 1 and shape parameter value 2. ...
Weibull参数是用于描述Weibull分布的两个参数,即形状参数(shape parameter)和尺度参数(scale parameter)。Weibull分布是一种常用的概率分布模型,常用于可靠性分析和寿命数据分析。 形状参数决定了Weibull分布的形状,可以是正态分布、指数分布或威布尔分布。形状参数大于1时,表示故障率随时间的增加而增加,适用于可靠性分析;...
is the scale parameter , also called the characteristic life parameter. μ is the location parameter , also called the waiting time parameter or sometimes the shift parameter. the standard weibull distribution is derived, w hen μ=0 and α =1 , the formula is reduced and it becomes \(...