WEIBO, a Chinese Twitter-like service, has been punished for spreading pornography, as part of a nationwide crackdown, the anti-pornography authority said Friday. The National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal Publications in February launched a new round of its national campaign against the pro...
71.5%岗位拿¥8-15K/月,年薪¥10-18W,2024年较2023增长了23%。 按学历统计,大专工资¥9.0K。 按经验,1-3年工资¥16.3K。 就业前景怎么样?市场需求:2024年招聘职位11个,占上海0.001%。 工作区域,主要分布在浦东新区,杨浦区。 就业单位:传媒占33.3%,冲牙器占33.3%,口腔护理占33.3%。
上海新仪微博了 为了更好得与广大用户朋友沟通交流,上海新仪微波化学科技有限公司正式开通了经新浪认证的公司官方微博。 上海新仪微博网址: 该微博将及时更新公司参与的各项活动,并将以图片和视频等形式,让用户了解公司及行业内微波消解,微波合成和微波化学各领...
100%岗位拿¥6-15K/月,年薪¥7-18W,2024年较2023增长了46%。 按学历统计,本科工资¥11.1K。 按经验,1-3年工资¥8.0K。 就业前景怎么样?市场需求:2024年招聘职位4个,占上海0%。 工作区域,主要分布在浦东新区,杨浦区。 就业单位:短视频占80%,冲牙器占60%,口腔护理占60%。
微博今日正式登陆港交所,开盘破发,报256.2港元,较发行价272.8港元下跌6.09%。截至收盘,微博股价下跌7.18%,报253.2港元,市值不足600亿港元。... 特别声明:本页面标签名称与页面内容,系网站系统为资讯内容分类自动生成,仅提供资讯内容索引使用,旨在方便用户索引相关资讯报道。如标签名称涉及商标信息,请访问商标品牌官方了解...
AndyShang forgot to change the name of folder Jan 17, 2013 53a6eae·Jan 17, 2013 History 6 Commits examples/login change github to weibo Jan 17, 2013 lib/passport-weibo forgot to change the name of folder Jan 17, 2013 test change github to weibo ...
Weibo has about 340 million monthly active users, while ACFUN, nicknamed "A station," was one of China's first video sites to feature bullet screen interaction, and a major provider of cartoons and anime. The administration has repeatedly asked websites to gain the correct certificates before...
Weibo, the most famous Chinese SNS, is playing an important role for people getting and sharing information. In this paper, a large amount of text data were scraped from Weibo by web crawler, and then were used to build a model to forecast the trend of Shanghai securities composi...
Sorry, my English is very poor, I hope you understand. I really look forward to the MV, there is, please tell AOM, China is not very cold, no need to worry about, and I will also send every day weather report to weibo in Shanghai and Shenzhen. ...