That’s quite a target. But the program has a pretty good track record. It kicked off in 2011 with a list that identified little-known technologies such as the genetic-engineering tool, CRISPR-Cas9. Just four years later,CRISPR became Nobel Prize-winning science. Today it ...
Dr Mukwege is a joint winner of the prize with Nadia Murad, an Iraqi human rights activist. Access to finance not main problem of SMEs – NEXIM Bank CEO Mr. Abba Bello said innovativeness and entrepreneurship development, rather than lack of access to finance, ...
That’s quite a target. But the program has a pretty good track record. It kicked off in 2011 with a list that identified little-known technologies such as the genetic-engineering tool, CRISPR-Cas9. Just four years later,CRISPR became Nobel Prize-winning science. Today it is regularly used ...