The length of a typical pregnancy is approximately 40 weeks. If you go into labor at 35 weeks or any time before the 37th week of pregnancy, it’s considered premature labor. Somesigns of preterm laborinclude contractions every 10 minutes or more, vaginal bleeding, and fluid leaking from yo...
There are no hard and fast rules about when toannounce your pregnancy. Many expecting parents wait until late in the first trimester, but it's up to you. Having twins The likelihood oftwinsis about 3 out of 100 for most people, but chances are as high as 30% if you had certainfertili...
Stretch marks and itchy skin are pretty typical during pregnancy, but severe itching could be a sign of obstetric cholestasis (OC), a liver disorder. Also, itchiness accompanied by a rash on and around your stretch marks can indicate pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP)....
Trouble sleeping is typical during late pregnancy, but if you're struggling to get enough sleep to function, check in with your provider. They can help you strategize and suggest asafe sleep medicationif necessary. Also, pregnancy fatigue can sometimes point to a larger issue you may need help...
“Being able to assess the risks for chromosomal disorders at eight weeks of pregnancy is a significant step forward in prenatal genetic screening,” said Dale Muzzey, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at Myriad Genetics. “We are improving the timeline for patients to understand their risk assessment...
Here’s a helpful story onhow to count your pregnancy weeks, and if you don’t want to do the math yourself, we havedue date calculatorright here. Top Tip for 5 Weeks Pregnant Are you excited about being pregnant but worried you shouldn’t share the news because of the old “12-week...
Restless Leg Syndrome can happen when you are lying down or just sitting and most common in the last trimester of pregnancy. The typical stretches and exercises to help with cramps don’t tend to help ease the symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome. ...
At 38 weeks of pregnancy, Ultrasound is rarely assigned and only in case of indications. You should check the schedule of the ultrasounds with your doctor. Fetus on the Thirty-Eighth Week of Pregnancy Your baby is fed through the placenta. The fluff on the body has to disappear, and the...
Most doctors will want to see you for your first prenatal appointment aroundweek 8orweek 9. After that, you’ll go inroughly every 4 weeksuntil the last couple of months of pregnancy (you’ll have more frequent appointments toward the end). At this initial appointment, your doctor or midwi...
– it can happen around the time the fertilized eggimplants in your uterus. It's a lot lighter than a typical period, and only lasts for one to three days. (If you have pain along with bleeding, call your healthcare provider immediately. This can be a sign of anectopic pregnancy.)...