and the general expectation that there prevailed about the appearance of a Messiah at the time of our Saviour’s first advent points to the antiquity as well as to the accuracy of the interpretation. However, the explanation of the latter half of the seven weeks is not satisfactory...
as found in Matthew 1. Many have asked why the apostle Matthew failed to mention four of the Messiah’s ancestors. Others have asked why this famous lineage was arranged more like a cipher than a straight forward listing of Yeshua’s generations. ...
Although Penguin suggests starting with some of Murakami's slimmer novels, my first introduction to Murakami was his chunky fantasy novel1Q84,filled with magical realism, music, cats, weird characters, choices, and the meaning of life. Which lead to reading most of his bibliography. If you want...
"The historical interpretation is surely correct in seeing a primary fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy in the second century BC, but to confine its meaning to that period is to close one's eyes to the witness of Jesus and the New Testament writers in general that it also had a future signi...
you delivered up its governance to false humanity, which stript it of its leaves ere winter-time, and laid bare its quivering life to the evil ministration of roughest winds. Have those gentle eyes, those “channels of the soul” lost their meaning, or do they only in their glare disclo...
I intended to make this dress for her birthday but, as is often the way, I had to reassess my to-do list and put it to one side in favour of making sure the party guests had food to eat. But at last a couple of nights ago I put in a last burst of effort and got it finishe...
That, silenced by my advent, finds once more, After an interval, his instrument, And tries once—twice—and thrice if I be there; And on the worn book of old-golden song I brought not here to read, it seems, but hold And freshen in this air of withering sweetness: ...
This prospective study investigated the association between elevated neutrophil-to-monocyte ratio (NMR), lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio (LMR), C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and the risk of developing n
An abundance of fun holiday festivities—ranging from a Julefest parade Dec. 3 to "A Cowboy Christmas" during Advent—make Solvang a great seasonal destination, especially if you stay at one of several cozy, nearby inns. Pigeon Forge, Tennessee Aneese // Shutterstock Pigeon Forge, Tennessee ...