Architecture Weekly - links and resources to boost your knowledge and developer skills License MIT license 1.4k stars 99 forks Branches Tags Activity Star Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings ...
Oh oh oh with new eyes Gizmo Varillas and Amanda Whiting haven’t just created a warm and wondrous, harp and brass-fueled song – though it is all of these wonderful things; together, they’ve created a rite of passage. Whether or not you’ve experienced horrific loss in your life, we...
Jeana shared another imagewith smooth skin— and faced the wrath of Kara. “This ain’t it, sis,” Kara wrote on her mom’s Instagram post at the time.
Snapchat and Instagram and texting are their primary mode of communication. Even email seems hopelessly old-fashioned to the average 20-year-old. We can all agree that a young person’s first instinct after a birthday party or receiving a beautiful gift in the mail is not to run to the...