“Our numbers continue to drive home the fact that we are a well-managed, innovative company that has grown responsibly while continuing to build value for shareholders,” Raj Grover said in a statement. Additionally, the company secured a new C$15 million line of credit in August t...
The taxable base is the transaction value, with the free-on-board (FOB) value used for exports. A 1% stamp tax will also be levied on the value of public and private documents (including contracts) exceeding 6,000 tax units (approx. US$72,000) that are subscribed, modified or extended...
How about….driving 20 mph over the speed limit, selling alcohol to minors, extortion, or petty theft? And then, somewhere down the line you encounter the laws against damaging public property, trespass, entering closed areas of public land, visiting public parks when they are closed, and ...
💚 #40290 Auto-drink sometimes prefers alcohol and bleach over clean water; bleach shouldn't be comestible, by kaeroku 💚 #40289 Automining: Doesn't stop mining when answering YES at the prompt to do so., by Malkeus 💚 #40284 Gorging penalties, by Ramza13 💚 #40281 Container...
With the drawdown in troops, the U.S. will also lose "eyes and ears" on the ground because military units have provided considerable local intelligence, as have the officers assigned to units from spy agencies like the National Security Agency and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. ...
Some of the reports, which were generated by junior intelligence officers, do seem a bit far-fetched. One dispatch from February 2007 claims militants teamed up with the ISI to kill Afghan and NATO forces with poisoned alcohol bought in Pakistan. ...
rules about consumption and dining, illustrating a standard of moderation and the importance of dietary safety. The underlying message is that food and drinks should be consumed in moderation. When describing an exemplary or morally superior individual, the Analects notes that when drinking alcohol, ...
食用(shíyòng) means edible or for eating, as opposed to being for industrial use (such as rubbing alcohol). 节食(jiéshí) means to go on a diet, while 绝食 (juéshí) is to fast or to go on a hunger strike. 食指(shízhǐ) is the index finger. Imagine a westerner using the fore...
even if he did conduct his business in what some have called the filthiest soi in all of Thailand. I didn’t know John myself but am told his death was alcohol-related. He was diagnosed with cirrhosis some years ago but never stopped drinking. An interesting character, he was once a pr...
They're doing their best to bring in the eyes and ears of the populace with yet another clever sign, this one anthropomorphizing dogs who spot K-9 units on the street. It will make you laugh when you stop in for some of, we assume, El Arroyo's good food, but on...