between Catherine & Market Sts. You can take the F train to East Broadway or the M15 bus to Madison & Catherine Sts. We are in a basement space below an art gallery & beauty salon. We are on the east side of Chinatown, not far from East Broadway & the end of the Bowery. Admission...
leaving himself free to spin different stories at different times to different audiences: I didn’t do it. I did it, but it’s not illegal. Maybe it’s not legal, but everybody does it and gets away with it, so singling me out is political...
Once the time comes I open upNotion. In there I have a folder for each year with a file for each weekly review. Notion also has a handy “template” option where I can click a link and it’ll create a new document with all the questions I ask myself each week. These questions are...
So the obvious thing to do is ask them: Were you free-lancing or were you following the President’s orders? But Trump won’t let them testify because of executive privilege. In my mind, the whole notion of reasonable doubt goes out the window when the defendant creates the doubt by ...
I don’t mean that these videos are misleading, rather that both the amount and the quality reinforces the notion that they are easy to produce. There’s usually a high degree of technical, pedagogical, and video production experience that goes into creating a well-crafted learning video. It...
So many hilarious sitcom moments have been built on the notion that once you record a voicemail, there is no going back. Of course, you can always record another, a slightly less awkward voicemail in an attempt to explain the first, but truthfully, that has never come across as "smoo...
“facts” that have no basis in reality: that the stimulus bill gave favorable treatment to districts represented by Democrats, for example, or that Obama quadrupled the deficit Bush left him. Occasionally I do a whole set of Disinformation Watch notes to list false things currently passing for...