She alluded to the outstanding patriarch of the church, Martin Luther, who had called this passage of scripture “the most comforting message” that Jesus ever spoke. “Freddie”, as he was affectionately called, was born at a time when life in Anguilla was mundane and rather primitive. Acco...
It also places specific marriage restrictions upon any women who inherit under this right." (Women in Scripture) Mahlah: One of the daughters "…for whom special provision was made to allow inheritance….She may be the eponymous ancestor of a clan or town in Manasseh." (Eerdmans Dictionary...
Before continuing, let me head off some objections: I understand that the Loganist interpretation depends on taking the scriptural quote out of context, but Christian sects do that all the time. You can’t seriously claim that this is a worse misreading of scripture than many other popular mi...
Deacon Rick Wagner offers daily Scripture reflection and weekly thoughts on faith, parenting, and life in general
Prompt for January 18 is to write in any form a poem about a supporting character from scripture or a history.Son of ThunderThey call him Beloved, we can always dependon his example of faith, of an Apostle, I've penned.Caring for Mary at the cross, was he Jesus' best friend?John wa...
This brings us to the scripture reading today when love wins out over all the other possible emotions and the brothers are reconciled, recognizing that God has used the evil plans of their youth to bring about great good for many people. Luke 6: 27-38Anthem: “Lord, I Want to be a ...
Weeping like I haven’t for a decade. I hate even writing that sentence because I just wish it would all just go away. Poof. Just kidding! Everything’s fine. But it’s not fine. It’s awful. Yet I look at Scripture and this is what it says. “Oh come, let us sing to the...
And finally, there is the issue that religion itself can become a kind of idol: Rather than worshiping God, you can find yourself worshiping a scripture or a church or a set or rituals. It’s not surprising that the religious right doesn’t want to talk about any of this. We’re no...
It will be, Jesus said,at “a time you think not.”We’re told in Scripture that “It will come upon the world” “like a snare (a surprise snatching-up).” For the Christian, we are to be watching all these developments (Mark 13: 37). We’re to notice that Israel is again in...
Reggae mentor Rutabaga Reese hyped me to Adrian Sherwood/ON U Sound. The dub/electronic crossover I started calling Mutant Dub Set 8: Singers & Players feat. Sister P – Holy Scripture; Vacuum Pumping (ON U Sound) ’88 UK Caribbean All Stars – Snake in de Grass; Live & Direct (Raw...