如果你也想探究你不知道的故事,不如跟随小编的步伐,在本周的WSC Weekly分享中一同了解致力于复活灭绝物种的学科——逆转灭绝可以复活的物种,以及科学家是否能复活猛犸象吧。*左右滑动查看2023 WSC Weekly 17期学术知识卡片法医毒理学家如果你是犯罪剧的爱好...
Weekly Alcohol Intake CalculatorVirtual Medical Centre
Over 5,100 adults were recruited to the study, which tracked their health over three decades with physical assessments and questionnaires about their exercise habits, smoking status, and alcohol intake. 这项研究招募了 5100 多名成年人,通过身体评估和有关运动习惯、吸烟状况和酒精摄入量的问卷,对他们三...
once per week. Preferably much less, but hopefully we can all agree that if you actually care about your health, you should not get drunk more than once a week. So, about 6 drinks is your allowance. 6 beers, or 6 glasses of wine, per week. You can space...
A new smartphone app warns drinkers if they go over the recommended maximum daily/weekly units of alcohol, to help them better manage their intake, reveals a commentary published in the online journal BMJ Innovations.
The texture of this moisturizer is smooth and silky, and it doesn’t leave a greasy residue on the skin after application. Because of its retinol component, it is recommended to use this moisturizer with an SPF during the day to protect new skin cells from the UV damage of the sun. Revi...
I’m not doing dry January but definitely trying to limit alcohol intake! My bff is getting married near the end of the month and I was only going to drink for that and her mini-bachelorette celebration tonight (we’re going to see Katy Perry!!) but I’ve already slipped up twice –...
It can also be caused due to high intake of proteins. Some food cannot be digested easily. How Does It Affect Your Body? Sugar-free and low carbs products contain sugar alcohol for sweetness. Gastrointestinal distress is been caused due to such sugar alcohols which can cause gas, nausea, or...
It’s been nearly a year since Snooki, who first gained popularity on the MTV show "Jersey Shore," gave birth. Since then, she has worked hard to lose weight and get fit. And it shows. Between regular gym workouts, motherhood and giving up partying and alcohol, Snooki’s body looks am...
Following registration, users were taken to “My Quit Plan” which presented a sequence of recommended steps to prepare for cessation and tracked completed steps. The first action that the site recommended was to set a quit date, with general guidance to quit within 2–4 weeks but the ...