The NYT’s Timothy Egan comments on the vast public under-reaction to Trump’s statement that we should have kept Iraq’s oil, because “to the victor belong the spoils”. As with everything in Trump’s world, his solution is simple: loot and pilfer. “Take the oil,” said Trump. He...
Ralph Blumenthal has put together a surprisingly difficult who-said-it-quiz: Trump or John Gotti, the famous Teflon Don. If the president is a crook, Republicans don’t want to know about it. Paul Ryan’s spokesman:“We are aware of Mr. Cohen’s guilty plea to these serious charges. ...
It’s been ten years since I wrote “Terrorist Strategy 101: a quiz” explaining how Osama bin Laden’s apparent insanity actually made sense. In retrospect, I overestimated Al Qaeda’s ability to launch attacks in the U.S. — a popular mistake at the time — but the general framework ...