Synonyms for weekly Collins WordNet adjonce a week Synonyms once a week hebdomadal hebdomadary advevery week Synonyms every week once a week by the week hebdomadally Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 ...
上期回顾&Quiz答案公布在2024年世界学者杯第10期WSC Weekly栏目中,我们与小学者分享了“字体侦探”从业者的突破点和神奇之处,了解到这类人群是如何助力刑侦案件的侦破。在上期的Quiz中,你是否找到了正确答案?现在就让我们一起来揭晓吧!...
全新主题,全新学术内容精选WSC最新话题内容,助力小学者轻松准备世界学者杯!上期回顾&Quiz答案公布在2024年世界学者杯第13期WSC Weekly栏目中,我们与小学者分享了黄油也可以成为艺术品,让我们了解了黄油雕塑的历史。在上期的Quiz中,你是否找到了正...
(2013). The Effect of Weekly Quizzes on Students' Final Achievement Score. I.J.Modern Education and Computer Science, 1, pp. 36-41.Valeh Gholami and Mostafa Morady. 2013. The Effect of Weekly Quizzes on Students' Final Achievement Score. I. J. Modern Education and Computer Science 1...
We compared weekly quizzes in extended-matching format with multiple-choice questions and oral examinations as means of monitoring students' progress in gross anatomy. Students' performance on 19 weekly oral examinations or 10-question quizzes based on extended-matching or multiple-choice formats were...
Weekly Quizzes and Examination Performance In Intermediate AccountingFor years I have noticed how hard my students work on my course during examination weeks and have toyed with the idea of giving weekly quizzes as a means of motivating them to work that hard more consistently. The material ...
This study examines the effect of weekly online quizzes using the instructional management system, Blackboard, on term acquisition and case application. Participants included graduate students enrolled in pre-service special education teacher training course. The focus of this course is positive behavior...
We investigated the optimal frequency for retrieval practice during an anatomy course. Method During a first-year course, students were offered four online daily quizzes a week that assessed thoracic anatomy. Once a week they received a quiz about abdominal anatomy. Students immediately received ...
Following the launch of Microsoft Forms in Education last summer, we heard from businesses that they need an easy-to-use tool for creating surveys, quizzes and polls. We’re now rolling out the public preview of Microsoft Forms to our Office 365 commercial subscribers, so you can collect ...
The quiz assumes you are a violent extremist, and its first two question presage where it’s going: “What is the first and biggest obstacle between you and victory?” and “Who is your best ally?” The first and biggest obstacle to your victory is that the vast majority of the people...