currently scheduled to run each week beginning on Tuesdays. Each Bonus Event grants a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal. The in-game calendar can serve as your one-stop reference for the even...
Lopan serves as a place for adventurers and mercenaries to resupply, sell and trade treasure and loot, buy weapons and gear, acquire magic, find clues and information about new quests, and rest in between missions. Of course, the Lopanic Games offer the chance for fame and riches...
Lopan serves as a place for adventurers and mercenaries to resupply, sell and trade treasure and loot, buy weapons and gear, acquire magic, find clues and information about new quests, and rest in between missions. Of course, the Lopanic Games offer the chance for fame and riches, ...
Lopan serves as a place for adventurers and mercenaries to resupply, sell and trade treasure and loot, buy weapons and gear, acquire magic, find clues and information about new quests, and rest in between missions. Of course, the Lopanic Games offer the chance for fame and riches, whi...
Here, all gods are equal among gods, and many a forgotten god seeks to be rediscovered and worshipped, by offering blessings, vision quests and magical artifacts to potential heroes to champion their name.There is also an evil on the island of Lopan. An open wound in the earth known as...
Here, all gods are equal and many a forgotten god seeks to be rediscovered and worshiped by offering blessings, vision quests, and magical artifacts to potential heroes to champion their name. There is also an evil on the island of Lopan. An open wound in the earth known as the Black ...
Garden of the Gods™ for Palladium Fantasy RPG has been selling like crazy because it is one of the best books I have ever co-authored with Matthew Clements. It is filled with forgotten gods, blessings, miracles, magical weapons and artifacts, and hundreds of quests and adventure i...
The sooner you get back the sooner you get paid, however all work and no side quests make life dull for a mercenary.Link: Type: RPG – Role Playing GameGame System: Palladium FantasyRules Edition: 2ndMinimum Number of Players: 4Maximum Number of...
By Kevin Siembieda One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure Hey everyone, another early Weekly Update. We shoot for a Thursday or Friday release for the Update, but sometimes Wednesday is better or necessary de